Friday, January 21, 2005
Heather talks about it
Standing in front of the room which is full of bloggers
I will admit it... ahem...I have...ahem...Heather** help me out- you talk about it- you make it funny...ahem...I have constipation problems.
Whew, I feel so much better. Like a weight lifted off my butt.

**I feel since we share a common problem that we should be on a first name basis... Hi Heather, my name is Lonna and I am a fellow constipator. You, being the over-achiever, have is worse but I feel your pain.

Speaking of pain...
I am on the toilet with horrible pain- like being in labor only it is totally coming out the wrong spot... and I am not pregnant. I breathe... inhale, exhale. Thinking I have just passed a melon through my ass, I get up and look. Be honest, you look too. The poop was the size of a grape. WHAT! All that pain for a grape sized poop.

OK, I am out... anything you would like to share. Stand up, be brave... go!

# posted by Lonna : 7:58 AM