Blogging... Bloggers... Blog
I am in bed because my back is killing me... actually I think it is my sciatica... so I am surfing blogs.
People blog about anything and everything- parenting, marriage, politics, current events, sex, siblings, entertainment, personals, computers, what they eat, how they poop (or don't poop), TV, movies, books, photos,weather, plants, scrapbooking, cross-stitching, weight loss... OH MY!
All ages, countries, languages, races are blogging.
Some are funny, serious, sad, touching, boring...
There are blogs with really cool graphics that take too long to load, lots of different fonts, links galore, trackers... some tell you what mood the blogger is in.
Word of the day, phrase of the week.
Did you know? Have you heard? Have you ever?
Spammers, Lurkers, Posters
I have so much to learn in this new world. So much to see. Come with me, I could use the company!
# posted by Lonna : 9:14 AM