Just before the holidays my wonderful cleaning lady quit. She moved on to bigger and better things... finishing up nursing school. Since then I have been on the hunt. I absolutely suck at house cleaning... day to day picking up, dusting, sweeping are not a problem. My house is clean on the surface - but the toilet cleaning, shower scrubbing, floor mopping... well, I am a bit challenged. Before everyone thinks I am a brat... I'm not. It is just something I really appreciate help with. My mother sucks at cleaning... so do my sisters. Maybe there is a deficient gene. Anyway, since she left, I have tried 2 services. One totally blew me off and the other did not show because of the weather. That would normally be a good excuse, but it was foggy and she called 15 minutes after she was supposed to arrive. Then I found someone who cleaned on the side. She was OK, but made excuses about everything. I am not picky... anyone can clean better than me, but the little things were not getting done. Now I am using someone my neighbor recommended. So far, so good. If I could only find someone to do all my cooking! I wish!
# posted by Lonna : 1:42 PM