My mother and her sister got into a big argument about 25 years ago after their parents died. Since then, they have only spoke a handful of times... And we have seen my aunt twice. I have a cousin whom I met once when he was 3... He is now an adult.
My dad's family has always been more than present in my life. It is always strange to me that I have relatives I don't know.
My aunt recently contacted my mother to let her know she has breast cancer. I feel very strongly that my mom should go visit her... We are in Illinois, she is in California. They have been corresponding- my mom has sent pictures and my aunt has been sending updates. Her last chemo is this week. I can't even imagine having not seeing my sister and holding onto anger for such a long time... and then learning that she is sick and not jumping at the opportunity to make peace.
I am not sure exactly what happened 25 years ago. My grandparents died within 6 months of eachother and I am sure that they were both devastated. I am just urging my mother to be the "better" person and make amends.
Live in person.
# posted by Lonna : 9:12 PM