Monday, May 09, 2005
One of the symptoms of Zoloft "withdrawal" is sensitivity to noise. This is a huge problem for me because it is something that I have struggled with most of my life. Yelling downstairs, "Turn that down!" happened nightly in my teen years. The sound of people cracking gum makes me crazy... or just chomping on it. Sleeping in the same room with someone who "breathes" is hell. Right now, at this moment- I am clenching my jaw, my shoulders are holding so much stress they are up to my ears... why? The TV is blaring downstairs, my son has sniffles about a million times in the last 5 minutes, my ceiling fan was making a noise (had to turn it off), the window is open so I can hear all the cars, birds and wind... and if I hear my fat cat meow one more time I may drop kick her. I need a couple days of silence to get through this and I know it is not going to happen.

# posted by Lonna : 8:03 PM