Sunday, July 03, 2005
It's not Black and White
There is a lot of bashing going on about parenting choices and beliefs in the blog world. Started (this round) by a mom just trying to get some sleep. Why do people think what they do is best for everyone? What works for their child works for every child. Plain and simple. Right vs. Wrong. Shame on you for trying something else. How can one walk around with such an attitude? I don't get it.
I have 4 kids... 4 very different kids. All boys, all from the same genes- but what worked for one did not always work for the other. Sometimes I had to try, and continue to try, many different things to find a solution to whatever problem may have come up. I take in advice and choose whether I want to try it or go it on my own. And when other moms ask what I have tried or what worked for me, I tell them.
Everytime I meet with pregnant moms I tell them that this will be her birth, not mine. I will not make decisions based on what I believe is right or wrong or what I want or wish my experiences were. Because each birth is different. Because it is not my life, my choices and my baby. My goal is for a healthy outcome. Parenting is the same... we can't all pretend to be experts because we been through something or we have read a million books or have gotten a degree. Each situation is different, each person is different and each reaction is different. We all make mistakes... hopefully we all learn something and try again.
Those who sit in judgment are missing out on experiences. There are so many different ways of learning and teaching.
Climbing off my soapbox...

# posted by Lonna : 11:57 AM