- The same dirty sock has been in the middle of the floor for 3 days and no one has picked it up. Do they not see it or are they waiting for me to pick it up?
- I told my 15 year old to unload the car last night. He brought stuff in and started up to bed. "Justin, where is the water?" "in the car" "Bring it in, I asked you to unload the car... and the juice boxes. They aren't here either." He brings them in and heads back up. "Justin, where did you put the garbage bags?" "They are still in the car" When is it appropriate to swear at your child? Because I was really holding back saying, "Can't you fuckin finish anything?" I did turn to my hubby and say "You wonder why I am in a bad mood all the time"
- I asked my 10 year old to take 2 bags of garbage to the curb this morning before he left for school.... they are right by the door. Next to his backpack and shoes. The bags are still sitting there.
- The cat shits on the carpet .... no one notices but me.
- On my mind right now.... 1,258,083 things. On everyone else's... maybe 2.
- If Justin's girlfriend is going to get in trouble becasue she is not home by 8:30, why doesn't her mother get her lazy ass off the couch and come pick her up? Why do they wait until we get home and rush us to drive her?
Done. For now.
# posted by Lonna : 8:22 AM