Friday, February 03, 2006
... for my client to have her baby. Still nothing. Poor girl (she is only 16). I remember being late with the boys and wanting this thing out of me. I loved being pregnant, but when it gets to the end- enough already. Adding to it the fact that she is only 16 and has alot of other stuff to deal with, I can only imagine what is going through her head. I tried to tell her to enjoy it while the baby is inside, but I think the fear of delivery makes her just want that part done. Then the real fun begins.

... for the sun to come out. It is so gloomy here. The grass is wet and muddy, the trees are bare and I am in need of some fresh, clean air. It makes me want to stay in bed all day. I need to open some windows. We have had above normal temps but it is right in the middle of snow/rain. If it does snow, it melts right away leaving all that mud and yuck. Anyone have some sun they can spare?

... for the mail. Jerry worked a lot of overtime this past week and I am hoping he gets a nice size check. Of course, it's spent already. Those nasty bills!

... for the fiber I have been taking to kick in. OK, too much information.

# posted by Lonna : 11:34 AM