I have my 6 month old niece for four days. I have forgotten that baby drool is cute. I have also forgotten that at you can't tell a baby to go fix their breakfast and you'll be right there. (Then go back to sleep). And that it takes forever to pack up and leave the house if you even want to go through the trouble to leave. I have been reminded that when you are dead tired and in a crap mood, a giggle from a baby makes it all better... and that peek-a-boo always gets that giggle. I forgot that when a baby farts and burps it is funny... when my 7 year old does it, it is not so funny.
I also forgot how limber babies are... and that every adult male that sees a baby like that says, "Just like her mother".
I also remembered how feeding a 6 month old is like feeding someone watching a tennis match. Head turns one way... then the other. You get it. I remember now that everything has to be thought out... taking a shower, going to the bathroom, brushing your teeth... oh my. I now remember how much babies need naps and when you hear silence instead of resting yourself, you feel the need to get things done.
I have learned that I am done having babies. That all this had it's time and place for me and now I enjoy my freedom. That all the new challenges with my kids will not blend with starting over. I have learned that it is nice to re-visit this time, remember it and then let it go. It is a bit sad because truthfully, I like this better than having teenagers. But I realize that this cute little face will be a teenager way too soon and then I will be reminded what that was like.
In my office there is a picture with these words:
"Babies are such a nice way to start people"
# posted by Lonna : 8:06 AM