Thursday, June 29, 2006
...this post contains information about my innerds. Reading further may result in you knowing a bit too much about me. Continue at your own comfort level.

On Tuesday I got cleaned out. As my friend put it, I got a Uterine Dermabrasion. I was sedated (the best 1 1/2 hour nap I have had in a long time), dilated, had polyps removed, my IUD was taken out and I had a procedure done called Endometrial Ablation. My periods have been lasting for up to 2 weeks and I had enough. Clean me... scrape me... laser me... flush me... whatever. As long as my uterus was left in my body, I was up for whatever may work.
So far, so good. Very little cramping... did not even need a Motrin. The bleeding is annoying- it's lighter than after a baby, but steady. And no tampons. I haven't used pads since my last birth (8 years ago) so it is uncomfortable.
If this works, my periods will be light. No more two weekers, no more 3+ boxes of tampons, no more "sorry honey, I am still bleeding". If it works.
Told you... more information than you needed to know!

# posted by Lonna : 5:00 PM