I got my new
laptop the other day and I am not enjoying it yet. I know once I get the kinks worked out I will love it, but here are some of my frustrations:
- Why can't you take a computer out of the box, turn it on, press a button that says "find my shit" and start working?
- I wanted a numeric keyboard built in because I do a lot of work with numbers, but getting used to the layout is hard. The enter key on the right is smaller so I keep pressing the number 4 by accident.
- I TRIED so hard not to load AOL. Couldn't do it. I am standing up and saying "I am an AOL addict". I have heard from so many people that it puts all sorts of files and crap on your computer... but I am so used to it and it is very user friendly. Plus you can IM, switch between screen names, see my buddy list... whatever. I tried the Google desktop for about 6 hours and got frustrated.
- This laptop has a fingerprint reader which I thought was going to be cool. Doesn't work with AOL. Yea, I know.
- VISTA... not sold yet. I have to upgrade a few programs or download patches which is prolonging the satisfaction of getting something new.
- I am out of loads on my MS Office so I had to buy a new program. There is more money I wasn't planning on spending.
- The wireless network is working but I am afraid to take the laptop out of my office for fear I will take it to my room and never have a reason to come out.
- I haven't paid my credit card bill yet.
It'll be all good.
# posted by Lonna : 10:06 AM