Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Summer reads
Dancing Naked at the Edge of Dawn - the others in the "series" were better
Shopoholic & Baby - this woman in the story frustrates me to no end, but the books are easy reads and pretty funny
Family Tree - great story about a white couple who has a dark skinned baby and the search for where the gene came from.

Now reading:
Dream When You're Feeing Blue - Not usually my kind of story, but I am a huge Elizabeth Berg fan... we shall see

Tried to read:
Middlesex - I have had this book on my shelf for a long time and after Oprah picked it I started reading. Couldn't get through the first 50 pages.
The Girls - I love this stuff on TV but was bored to pieces when trying to read it.

# posted by Lonna : 6:22 PM