Tuesday, September 25, 2007
What comes around...
I was the first one in my family to start having babies and my kids have been showered with wonderful gifts from the time they were born. Well... mostly wonderful gifts. The not-so-wonderful ones come with batteries, make a lot of noise and play the same tune, ring or jingle over and over until you want to rip the damn toy out of the kids hand and toss (no chuck) it out the window. My sisters were the ones who usually purchased these and it's payback time.

It started innocently (ahem) enough with Tickle Me Elmo. It was cute and it was my niece's birthday which just happens to be right before Hanukkah and Christmas. Luckily for me, I found Chicken Dance Elmo and Going to the Potty Elmo the same year. She is now five and I have run out of Elmo's... plus my sister called me over the summer and asked if it was "OK with me" to sell the Elmo collection at her garage sale.... UMMM NO! Instead she did this... (not sure what Dora is doing in there, but whatever).
Anyway, it is niece #2's second birthday and I have been racking my brain to figure out what I can get her. Can you guess? Yep, TMX Elmo! Elmo upgraded... Elmo louder, more annoying, bigger and better than before.
Gotta love being an Auntie!

# posted by Lonna : 2:54 PM